See end for emergency telephone numbers
Site warden emergency numbers:
Site warden emergency numbers: Gavin Argyle 07899 926425
SCCA emergency numbers: 07905 162 190 / 07860 591 881
Our Caravan Site will be open from 9am on Monday 29th of May until Monday 5th June. Our thanks to Bath Championship Show for allowing caravanners to stay on their show ground until Tuesday morning 30th May
Electrical Hook-Ups are available and these pitches can be booked on our entry forms this year as we have enough EHUs available
Our apologies for what might appear to be the bureaucratic nature of these regulations but experience has taught us that we need to try and cover every eventuality if the site is to be managed effectively and efficiently
Key points of the regulations
1. The Caravan site is open from 9 am to 9.00 pm. Anyone arriving with their van before or after these times must park away from the show ground overnight until the site opens.
2. The gate to the caravan site ground (Blue Circle gate) is manned 24 hrs so as to allow access in an emergency but please have your caravan label in your car to show security
3. No children under 16 yrs are to be left unattended whilst on site
4. No ball games or riding of bikes etc in the caravan site
5. All dogs to be kept on leads
6. Please put all rubbish into the bins provided
7. Please clean up after your dogs
8. No generators before 8 am or after 11 pm. Setting up only from 9 am to 9 pm
9. Caravan, Awning, windbreaks & all equipment should be in your pitch and please make sure you can get to your water bottles/toilet compartment in your pitch and not encroach in your neighbour’s pitch
10. Please do not use the fresh water taps to clean your toilets. A tap is provided at the Elsan point.
11. The decision of the warden as to whether and where they will site a caravan/tent or not is final.
Detailed Regulations
1 This caravan site is administered by experience caravan site stewards acting on behalf of Southern Counties Canine Association
2 Sub letting is not allowed
3. Southern Counties Canine Association will not be held responsible for any personal injury or damage to property or loss or damage to property, unless it can be proved that the the Association were responsible through action or negligence for the injury or loss.
4 Every caravan must have toilet facilities, and use specific places as designated on the site map to empty Elsan buckets. No liquid should be discharged onto the ground
5 Dogs should be kept under control at all times, an exercise area is designated for dogs to be let off the lead for free running in this area, but at all other places on the show ground, dogs must be kept on a lead.
6 A detailed map of the caravan area at the Site Warden’s caravan shows where toilets, water stand pipes, Elsan emptying points, dog exercise area, skip locations, access to show, location of warden’s caravan and location of fire points with extinguishers are located.
7 The Caravan site will be open from 28th May to 2nd June. No parking of vans is allowed before or after these dates under any circumstances .
8 The hours the site will be open from (and to Gates will be open) from 9 am until 10 pm. Outside of these hours access is only by pre arrangement and if convenient for the site wardens.
9 No person under the age of 16 is permitted to stay in a caravan/tent without the supervision of an adult. Parents are expected to be responsible for the control and behaviour and safety of their children
10 Your Caravan Pass must be clearly displayed throughout the time you are on the caravan site.
11. It is not permitted for more people to stay overnight than is allowed by its layout. The caravan/tent will be sited by the site warden: their instructions must be followed. No caravan/tent will be sited after 9pm) . If you arrive after this time you will must park up outside the site until the morning.
13 If you wish to be sited near to friend you must arrive at the caravan site at the same time
14 The field will be set out in accordance with the guidelines regarding temporary caravan sites, pegs will be placed so that no caravan is less than 6 Metres apart as designated by the site warden. At least 3 Meters must be kept between your caravan awning and that of the next caravan. THIS RULE WILL BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO. You will be asked to remove any object breaking this rule.
Toilets, Rubbish and Noise
15 You are asked to keep the toilets and showers clean. Washing at the water taps is not allowed. Elsans should not be emptied down the toilets, but the appropriate Elsan emptying point used. Elsan washing should take place at the emptying point. (Do not wash Elsan buckets at drinking water taps).
16 Rubbish should be put in sacks and deposited i n the bins provided
17 You are asked not to make unreasonable noise after 10 pm. If a complaint about excessive noise is received, one warning will be given, details of which will be noted, then rule 18 will be applied
18 If any of these rules are broken, tenancy of the site will be terminated without warning and at once. No payment will be refunded
Health and Safety
19 The decision of Southern Counties Canine Association about matters concerned with health and safety is final
20 Fire extinguishers - you must have a suitable fire extinguisher, at least 9 gr. of powder, also it is strongly recommended that a fire blanket is available in the cooking area.
21 First Aid - basic first Aid equipment must be available in every caravan.
22 All signs on the site must be followed.
23 No one is permitted to sleep in a car.
24 Complaints are often received regarding the behaviour of children and young persons on their bikes around the site. Parents should ensure the behaviour of their children does not affect the safety and enjoyment of other caravanners
25 In order to limit the damage to the grass by vehicles, please do not move vehicles unnecessarily if the ground is wet. Once the grass is churned up short of waiting for the ground to dry out there is nothing we can do and the site owners (Newbury Showground) refuse permission to allow anyone to put down wood chip or other material. If any such material put down on the ground, Newbury Showground will make punitive charges against us and we will also be charged to have the grass reinstated.
In the case of Fire
On discovering a fire
A Ensure the site building or caravan is evacuated
B Raise the alarm. The site warden will have a hand held siren, which will be used to signal a fire.
C Call the Fire Brigade; there are no fixed telephone points on the site, If you do not have access to a mobile telephone it may be necessary to contact the site warden who will use their mobile telephone to alert the emergency services. The site address is as follows: Newbury Showground, Priors Court Road, Hermitage, Thatcham, Berkshire RG18 9QZ
D Attack the fire with appropriate firefighting equipment if it is safe to do so. It is in the interest of all occupiers of this site to be familiar with the above routine and the method of raising the fire alarm and the firefighting equipment.
Emergency access and exit to caravan site.
As the caravan site will be locked during the hours of darkness it will be necessary to contact the caravan site security warden to open locked gates to facilitate exiting the show ground or to allow emergency vehicles to access the site. The security warden will have the access code to the Blue Circle Gate directly out to the road. This gate will be kept locked shut and will only be opened by the security warden in an emergency.
Emergency numbers
Vets – please contact re directions
O’Gorman Slater Main & Partners www.donningtongrove .com - Donnington Grove Veterinary Surgery, Oxford Road, Newbury, West Berkshire - 016 35 47170
G K G Vets www.gkgvets.com - 43 St John’s Rd, Newbury - 01635 40565
Falkland Vets www.falklandvets.co.uk - 214 Newtown Road, Newbury, Berkshire - 01635 46565 R X Works Ltd Chapel St, Thatcham - 01635 860 557
Vets 4 Pets Newbury Vet Practice www.vets4pets.com - Unit 3, Adlam Villas, Greenham Road, Newbury, West Berkshire - 01635 43000
O’gorman Slater & Main & Partners www.donningtongrov e.com - 10 London Rd, Thatcham 01635 868 382
Valley Veterinary Group - www.valleyvet.co.uk - Corner House, Reading, Berkshire - 0118 974 4352
Doctors – please contact for directions
The Downland Practice/East La, Newbury - 01635 248 251
Warren Down, Peasemore, Newbury - 01635 248 331
Hospital – please contact for directions
Thornford Park Hospital Crookham Hill, Thatcham - 01635 860 072
West Berkshire Community Hospital www.berkshirewes t-pct.nhs.uk - West Berkshire - 01635 273 300
Local caravan sites
Click on Berkshire at
Southern Counties Caravan Electric Hook-ups
EHUs can be booked on line with entries (you can just book on the online form - you do not have had to enter a dog) or on hard copy forms which can be downloaded from Fosse Data (www.fossedate.co.uk).
If you need a hard copy entry form please text 07905 162 190 and add 'Entry Form' for one to be posted to you.